Women development centre generally known as WDC, is the brain child of Archbishop emeritus Thomas Menamparampil, who had a vision to empower the women from the remote areas of N. East India. He heard the cry, saw their struggle; women without formal education but looking for a livelihood, dared to leave their village for a better life for their children. These women are caught up in the struggle of urban poor. Archbishop saw them coming from the rural villages and settling in the towns without any formal skill training. He saw them exploited and becoming construction workers, domestic workers, no bargaining power, no recognition. To recognize and help these women our Congregation was invited and Sr. Mercedes then provincial accepted and the work is continuing.
Building was inaugurated and dedicated to the Women in N.East on 17TH January 2000 with Sr. Lizy Thomas as the 1st Director .1st batch 30 women leaders from the villages of N. East India was the 1st batch and they made a big difference in villages. This was the first Centre for women in N.East India and we trained them to form SHGs and tap Govt resources to take village life forward.
We saw young girls who were school dropout aimlessly wasting their life. WDC started coaching class with 5 students in 2005 registered with NIOS. Last year 65 students sought for admission, lack of space and infrastructure we had to refuse a few.
We extended our support in time of flood and natural disasters .Farmers were our next target as they lost land and lives. Towards food security and financial stability Farm and Non-farm sector connected directly with more than 10000 people in three districts.
Persons with disability (PWDs) are cared in Chirang district and helping in their wellbeing by getting Disability certificates and acquiring schemes eligible for them .Working with Tea garden laborers are challenging but rewarding as they started to understand the need for education , health and increase their income through alternative livelihood .MEDP and JLG schemes given them skill trainings for a sustainable livelihood . .